I guess the more "senior" we get in college, the more busier we get. This so-called CSU Revision Week aka holiday break for HUC students, is definately not applicable to me >( Mr Lye had replacement classes on Wed n Thurs. Mr Val had replacement on Thursday 8am, Mr Lye's at 11.
Started last week, started attempting the ACC201 assignment questions as it was due this Monday (31-3-08). Bryan's 21st bday was on 30th, which falls on a Sunday. So bad... so I tried my best to rush as fast as possible. I like writing, but I dun really like doing research. So this 2 essay questions were giving me a hard time. Anyways, I tried to write as much as I can. So easily I already vomited out one page out of 3 pages before I went to bed and continue the next day, which was a Saturday already. Every night, had to sleep late just to do 2 essay questions with word limit 1000 each. So much for the crap I wrote. My main points were very little, I guess my assignment marks is going to be the lowest compared to Sin Ying and Khai Shein. I think out of the 3, Sin Ying's the highest.
After submitting the ACC201, it was time to rush LAW201. How great can it get? I wasn't sure wat I was doing with the whole assignment. Got fed up and took the easy way out, copy word for word. I dun give a damn if I fail. Most likely I'll be wont be able to pass any law subject tht easily. Dunno the damn footnote will help me from plagerism or not. Submit d, so it's up to Chithra.
On the very same day of submitting law 201 assignment then got replacement class at 8am lo. Mr Lye punya. I thought Sin Ying slept like dead pig. She told me she woke up late and entered class after 8.30am. I even woke up early to print her assignment lo. Mana tau I reach college so much earlier than usual =_= For the first time I finished assignment before 12am. So shock of myself, but already expected. Sin Ying finished at 4am and sms me tht she left her assignment in my mail d. Even print PK's assignment and submit for her.
Yesterday while feeding the rabbits, Handsome escaped from his cage and ate Kok Jin's money plant. So I went to catch him. He used his two strong legs with super sharp nails and SCRATCH me. Now my left hand full of scratches. HANDSOME'S one. Evil Handsome.. wuwuw... everyday feed u and give u water.. this is how u repay my kindness?! Each time I see u I pat u first, now u scratch me =_=
Today went to music class also tak jadi, John told me that Theresa say I wasn't coming =_= so Mr Dominic coming in at 4pm. Miscommunication somewhere. Sigh. So rayau in Tower Records for about 40 mins before looking for my mum. She oso blind one. Nvr search the whole store properly say cant find me and went to eat tong sui on her own... jin gak!!! I carry the guitar til my hand oso wanna break.
Harsh week... mid term exams are coming. Havent study yet. Shuying's fav line: "
Wat Are U Waiting For? "