Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 2008 Updates!

Today is officially the first day of my new sem. My financial reporting got AE :( So I've wrote in to the dept so that they cancel my AE (meaning I'll fail the paper automatically). I've got too many Ds in my result d, have to work hard for this paper because it isn't hard. But hopefully I'm able to score well in my mid-term as well as my finals.

Rumor has it that for our last sem, MA2 got 70% of the class failed. Til today, MA2 results are still pending because CSU has not sent back the results yet. Stupid CSU !@#$%^&* But anyhow, I have the answer in my heart, I know I've submitted almost a blank answer sheet.

And also, I'm taking part in this year's Famine 30. Unfortunately, PK and KS are not going. KS said her body cannot take it if she starves. Then PK wanted to take part at first, but decided not to go because she wanted to work for the Celcom roadshow. So.... oh well, I have to get myself a new sleeping bag, because I never had one.

Hmm... last Saturday was my Chinese birthday, lols~ I've found someone who is one day older than me~ that is Belle~ my colleague. She's Jenny's "wife". I laughed at her when she came to work for the first time because my chow chow dog happens to share the same name as her. Luckily she stays in Jinjang, but her house, to me it's like a maze =_="

Oh, and college has changed, just within that 1 month. From now on, no more free stapler and bullets provided for assignments. Apparently, some very f**king students stole them. Aunty Helena was quite pissed about it when she told me. So, please staple your assignments first before bring it to college for submission. Level 2 is also currently undergoing some renovations. KS told me the level 4 staff room in Wisma HELP is no longer staff room! So where did they moved to?

Oh yeah, I was browsing the notice boards until I came upon.... a very silly/weird contest...... It's called.... "Mini Skirt Contest" =_= Of all contests! What's it about you wonder? Basically just to find some chics who are willing to show off their proud legs with their mini skirts. Too bad this contest is over, if not I would really like to see how the stupid contest goes. And there is also the Paintball Tournament coming up! It's on August 2nd. Don't think I'll be able to go. What made me sad was I saw a little notice where this particular programme will pick 67 people for training to work in the advertising industry! That's what I want!!!! What a bummer as the registration is closed and training is 6 months long. Sad................. I think have to go through interview as well.

Finally done my student ID. The happy thing about it is that I don't have to pay a single cent because I produced my police report. Besides that, I get to snap a new pic! Better to snap new one because like tht people will know that bloody bastard is using my old student ID! The bad thing is that... The stupid photo is blur when it's printed onto the card. CACAT!!!

Tmr can go apply a Helpmail because exam dockets will be emailed to us and we have to print them ourselves from now on. I'm still thinking what to write in because I haven't been updating the blog :s But I guess.. That's all for now then... Til then... jyane~

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