Saturday, October 25, 2008

Like the Wind

You're like the wind,
Come as you like,
Go as you wish,
Leaving no trails

I'm like the tree,
Easily shaken,
But rooted to the ground

Whenever you come by,
I danced to your rhythm,
You easily showed
Your warmth, your gentleness,
Your rage, your sadness

The fallen leaves
Are the evidence of your journey
That's where I know
You came and gone

The Islam body is really getting over the top! Dressing up is one of the rights of humans! I don't see any reason why a girl has no rights to dress up like a boy. Hey, when girls dressed up in short skirts, you say people dressed up too sexy and attract rapists. Now girls dressed up like boys and you say we lose our femininity. And claim to go against human nature or the Islam law, watever law. Wat the heck? I thought Islam like to claim that skin must not be shown.


Xuyene said...

wah nowadays so poetic. Nice one.

Robbstar said...

Yeah yeah... so poetic.. not bad ah the fallen leaves.. but I got headache so don't want to try deciphering it..

YuuEne said...

lols =_= because i like words. but i dun like to read XD i also forgotten wat i wrote, have to refer back.

embarrassing to say, but thanks for the comment =.="

YuuEne said...

wuaaha, u got headache, how come u so free to online and read blog? shudn't u be resting?