Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bananaking changed its interface

WOW... The last time i logged in was about maybe 1 or 2 weeks ago... And today... I've noticed how it changed so much @.@" Actually not much... Juz that instead of the plain the plain yellow and little backgrounds now it is filled with MONKEYS =.= I thought it was supposed to be filled with bananas? But oh well... The farmer (which is the players - a farmer banana) See, so cute... Shall post the pictures.

Oh, but the banana plants changed d looked so weird. Instead of looking like a normal land, now it looks like tiny islands... LOL... The game also hangs once in awhile... Dunno how long this changed has taken place... And wonder if Lo Kuen Kuen still plays... I think if she still plays her level is also higher than me.... Tsk tsk.... The new interface still needs improvement... I dun wanna keep clicking on the refreshing button =.=

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and the login page has a new face! see all the monkeys? monkey hires monkeys to be guards!

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the banana farmer~

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the background looks like we're on an island. notice the menu above? they look cute xD

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the empty land which looks like tiny islands

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the new shoots are growing~

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*poof* ready to harvest!

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plant again in 12 hours. time to go for a treasure hunt~

Yesterday's QBM201 was a disaster... Oh sigh.... *Fingers crossed* Just hope I can ngam ngam pass.. The laptop is getting on my nerve since the letters will juz jump on its own when i'm typing half way. Have to adjust the pictures so that it fits... Oh I'm feeling so hungry... Need to eat.. then onli think of a way to fix the prob...

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